Our Affiliations

JACO chooses to support Central Ohio’s local family owned businesses through an active service provider membership with the Conway Center for Family Business.

The Conway Center for Family Business is Central Ohio’s resource for educational programs, resources, and networking opportunities to support the growth and success of family-owned businesses. The Center celebrates the successes of family-owned businesses at its annual awards program and offers peer group opportunities for next-generation leaders, family business CEOs, non-family leaders, and more.

Giving back to this community, while also learning and growing together, has proven to be an invaluable resource regarding current considerations and topics which are top of mind to today’s family owned businesses.

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“A groundbreaking global movement is applying science to decisions about people.  In this new area, sophisticated assessments, data, and software can give managers in any organization insights into humans never before possible.  And this practice–what we call talent optimization-can make hiring, motivating, and managing people more efficient and effective than ever before.”

Mike Zani
CEO of the Predictive Index

At JACO, we believe that people represent the greatest point of differentiation in any business. To help leaders unlock the human potential within their organizations and win the battle for talent, we partnered with Predictive Index to provide our clients with a scientifically valid, data driven approach to building their dream teams.

Founded in 1955 by Arnold Daniels, The Predictive Index helps leaders solve business problems through the lens of understanding individuals—specifically what drives behaviors at work.

Talent optimization is the future of work. Given the current environment, many forward-thinking businesses are now making talent optimization one of their top priorities. The goal? To build a strong company culture that people will want to be a part of, allowing your organization to recruit and retain the best talent, while executing your business strategy, and consistently achieving your desired results.

JACO believes this remarkable competitive advantage will provide a boost in productivity and flexibility. You will find that you can efficiently connect business strategy to business results when the right people are in the right seat, and they are empowered to execute the strategy.

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